Newly Trained through PRESENCE
Abby Begna
“As we navigate this life’s journey, many of us seek a deeper connection. My role is to engage with you in a meaningful interaction, guided by the presence of the Holy Spirit, to help you gain insight into your current life’s calling.”
Grace Elgersma
“For me spiritual direction is a ministry of holy listening where one (the director) journeys with another (the directee) in order to support the other in discerning God’s call and presence in their own life experience.”
Rebecca Fenrich
“To accompany another with holy listening as they intentionally investigate their lived human experience by virtue of their innate spirituality. Through this collaborative process, they can grow deeper in unconditional love and respect for themselves, others and Creator.”
Shane Rebryna
“For me, Spiritual Direction is a professional ministry relationship where one person (the director) attends to and lovingly holds the life story of another person (the directee). The director provides a safe space for the directee to reflect on and process their spiritual journey.”