Contact Margaret

margaret b clack

Without question, the greatest joy I’ve experienced throughout my years of ministry in parish, hospital, and educational settings has been listening to fellow travelers on “the road to find out”. In these semi-retired years of my living, I am glad for every opportunity to listen with both accrued skills and a disposition of open heartedness. I see prayer as a relationship between the Divine Other (whom I also call God) and the spiritual seeker. God loves us first, and keeps loving us no matter what. Learning to receive this divine love and open to its mystery is life-changing, and can be a life-long process. In serving through a ministry of spiritual direction, I see myself as one who witnesses the relationship evolving between the Divine Other and the spiritual seeker. In this concentrated listening I seek God’s guidance and wisdom so that I may respond to the seeker with compassionate respect, suggesting spiritual resources from both my own Christian and Roman Catholic background and the wealth of spiritual wisdom found in a broad diversity of faith traditions. My spiritual formation and education for spiritual direction has occurred through Master’s studies at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, Newman Theological College in Edmonton, Alberta, and doctoral studies at St. Stephen’s College in Edmonton. I am certified as a Spiritual Care Practitioner with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC/ACSS). One day at a time, and each day new, I seek to follow the leadings of God’s Love, bringing me home to self, others, our planet, and all that is Divine. This is the source and spirit out of which I serve.

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