Opening to the Heartbreak of the World: A Deepening Centering Prayer Retreat
Facilitated by Mary Jane Yates and Heather Mattson McCrady
To love, to open the heart, to risk, to be in tears before beauty, to be in tears before wonder, to treat our neighbor as our self… So that whatever may come, we’ve held the benchmark high for what the human species has in its heart and is evolving toward. ~ Cynthia Bourgeault
We are living in times of great trouble, confusion, and uncertainty. During this retreat, we will open our hearts to this heartbreak through sharing in the silent contemplative practice of Centering Prayer along with other practices such as the Buddhist Mahayana tradition of Tonglen and variations of the Welcoming Prayer as taught by Contemplative Outreach. Please join us for this time of sharing in the sacred heart of Divine Love, which knows deep suffering and pours out only love in return.
Friday, February 2, 2024 (7:00 pm) to Sunday, February 4, 2024 (1:00 pm)
Suite $300 Single $250
Register by January 29, 2024 Event #15285
Mary Jane Yates holds a BSc in Nursing and an MSc in Health Promotion. She completed her training as a Nature and Forest Therapy guide in 2019 and recently retired from her position as Administrator with Contemplative Outreach International. She now dedicates her time to sharing her passion for the contemplative life with all beings, both human and natural.
Heather Mattson McCrady has been on a contemplative spiritual path for many years. She has a Master of Theological Studies in Spirituality, certificates in both Spiritual Companioning and Eco-ministry, and is a certified presenter of Centering Prayer. Retired from a career in healthcare in Volunteer Management, Patient and Family Centred Care, and Community Development, she now describes herself as a Being of the Natural Order and Wild Christ Monastic.
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