September 14, 2021 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


September 2021 to May 2022

 A Retreat in the Real World, the 19th Annotation of the Ignatian Exercises, encourages a closer relationship with God by praying through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Participants spend an hour daily in personal prayer, keep a journal of their prayer experiences, share their prayer journey with a spiritual director every two weeks, and gather monthly for continued learning.  The group meeting is usually the second Tuesday of the month from 6:30 to 9:00 pm via Zoom. 

Required text: The Ignatian Adventure: Experiencing the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius in Daily Life by Kevin O’Brien, SJ (Loyola Press 2011).

Payments are $495 per semester.  Semester 1 (Event #14312)  Semester 2 (Event #14313)


Faith Nostbakken, PhD, is an experienced spiritual director rostered at the Providence Renewal Centre. She is an ordained deacon and ecumenical officer of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. A graduate of Newman Theological College (MTS), Faith is currently in a Doctor of Ministry program through the Saskatoon Theological Union. Faith completed the training program to guide the Spiritual Exercises at Loyola House, Guelph, ON, and has been accompanying individuals and groups through the Spiritual Exercises since 2015.

 Total Cost – $990.00 (payable by semester). Register by Sept 1 – DEADLINE EXTENDED to Sept 6

Exercises dates and readings calendar 2021-2022 – Download PDF